Code of Conduct

SOWW Code of Conduct

1. Introduction
1.1. For the purposes of this Code of Conduct document the word “representatives” herein means elected members, Trustees, Board appointments and ordinary members representing The Society of William Wallace.
1.2. This Code of Conduct is supplementary to the Constitution of The Society of William Wallace.

2. Representatives Core Responsibility
2.1. At the first committee meeting after every AGM (or at the first committee meeting where a new member attends), the Chair should direct all to read this document and the Constitution. By continuing to remain on the committee, each elected member is deemed to agree to and comply with the contents, intentions and values contained therein, and act in the best interests of The Society of William Wallace at all times.
2.2. It is absolutely imperative that The Society of William Wallace, a Scottish Registered Charity, is not brought into disrepute by its members.

3. Confidentiality
3.1. Representatives must not disclose any information from elected members’ meetings designated as “confidential”.
3.2. representatives shall not pass information to any press or media outlets (including social media), unless authorised to do so. Disclosure of information that is deemed to be confidential will be regarded as a breach of this Code, irrespective of the consequence arising.
3.3. Representatives should seek guidance from the Secretary and/or Convenor if they have any doubt about what information is confidential.

4. Conflict of interest
4.1. A member must regard themselves as having a potential conflict of interest in any matter if a decision on a matter might reasonably be regarded by themselves or others as affecting any of their related interests, activities, employment or business or be seen as compromising themselves or The Society of William Wallace.
4.2. A potential conflict of interest must be declared and recorded in the minutes at the beginning of the discussion of any such item. The Chair will decide if the conflict of interest should result in the representative having to exclude themselves from the room for the duration of the discussion of such an item.
4.3. Currently a formal regional register of interests for Committee members is not maintained by the Society.

5. Declaring Gifts and Hospitality
5.1. Representatives should not be in receipt of hospitality, goods, services, gifts or any other benefit that may compromise either their position or that of The Society of William Wallace, or may lead others to perceive that the integrity or policy of The Society of William Wallace or its representative have been compromised.
5.2. Any hospitality, goods, services, gifts or other benefit that may be offered to representatives must be declared to the committee/Board/Trustees where they should determine at their next meeting if such should be accepted.
5.2.1. If acceptance is authorised, it must be recorded in the minutes. The committee/Board/Trustees also must determine – and record – if any such item is to be for the benefit of the representative or it should be recorded as an Asset of The Society of William Wallace.
5.2.2. If the acceptance is not authorised, the Convenor or Secretary should politely decline the offer made to the representative, explaining our obligations as a Scottish Registered Charity and our obligations to our members current and future.
5.2.3. Excluded from, and exceptions to, any declarations of gifts and hospitality would be, for example, working meals or refreshments; low-level hospitality or gifts given as a matter of course from the giver’s business to other businesses or organisations. Clarification should be sought from the Secretary whose decision is final.

6. Personal conduct
6.1. As part of a Registered Scottish Charity, representatives of The Society of William Wallace are required to adhere to the highest standards of conduct in the performance of their duties to maintain the good name and reputations of both organisations.
6.2. In respect of their interaction with others, representatives are required to:
6.2.1. Adhere to good practice in respect of the conduct of meetings and respect the views of their fellow elected members.
6.2.2. Be mindful of conduct which could be deemed to be unfair or discriminatory. The Society of William Wallace fully endorses equal rights legislation.
6.2.3. Representatives must conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect positively on The Society of William Wallace. On public occasions or when attending any other events, it is important for representative to be seen as good ambassadors for The Society of William Wallace.

7. Non-compliance with the Code of Conduct
7.1. Where non-compliance takes place during a meeting, the Chair is authorised to take such action as may be immediately required, including the exclusion of the person concerned from a meeting.
7.2. All allegations of non-compliance with the Code of Conduct should be reported as soon as possible to the Secretary, where any requests for anonymity can be considered if appropriate.
7.2.1. Where such misconduct is alleged, it is the responsibility of the Secretary to immediately notify the representative in writing of the charge(s), detailing the specific behaviour which is alleged to be in breach of the Code of Conduct and/or detrimental to The Society of William Wallace, and requiring their response within 14 days.
7.2.2. Within those same 14 days, the Secretary will notify and consult with the Convenor and Vice Convenor of the committee/Board/Trustees and determine who may act as a panel on behalf of the committee to review the allegation(s). A panel of 5 persons is recommended.
7.2.3. When the response to the allegations is received (see 7.2.1 above), the panel should carry out such investigations as it considers appropriate, and report the outcomes of the investigation - with its recommendations - within 14 days to the full committee/Board/Trustees who should then formally decide, by a simple majority vote, the outcome.
7.2.4. Within 3 days of the above meeting, the Secretary should notify, separately, both the person who made the allegation and the person the allegation was made against, and advise them of the outcome of the investigation.
7.2.5. The person who made an allegation and the person against whom it was made may each exercise, as appropriate, a right of appeal against the decided outcome and can request a personal hearing of the full committee/Board/Trustees.
7.2.6. Should the decided outcome uphold the complaint, sanctions may be imposed on the person in breach of the Code of Conduct as deemed appropriate e.g. ranging from the issuing of a written warning as to the member’s future conduct to the removal of membership.


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The Society of William Wallace is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation Registration number SC045959