Wallace Day, Saturday 24/8/24

Despite the threat of wind and rain, the day stayed warm and clear right up to when we started packing up at the end. Joined by the Knights of Monymusk, we held the annual Wallace Day commemoration at the memorial. The area has been being worked on by the local council, who kindly removed the barriers for the day before carrying on with the work on Monday.

Nick opened the proceedings, before introducing the small crowd to our new Convenor, David Reid. He gave a short speech on current events and proposed future plans, before the Knights of Monymusk gave a demonstration in their roped-off arena of medieval battle and tactics. Following this, the Society wreath was laid, and a minute's silence observed. Neil then announced the annual recipient of the David R. Ross memorial quaich, Archie Millar, who was Convenor in the 1980s and had remained a valued contributor to the Society for over 40 years, being the Elderslie custodian. A well-deserved recognition of his efforts over the decades.

Gordon sang a song about Wallace, and led all present in a rendition of Scots Wha' Hae, before the Knights of Monymusk drilled some 15 participants in the techniques of the schiltrom. David rounded off the event with another little speech about proposals for next year (bigger and better), and as the rain finally arrived we all packed up for another year. Thanks to all who attended, and spread the word that Wallace Day is going to become what it has been in the past.

David Reid

Opening the proceedings
David introduces himself
David outlines his plans for the Society
The Knights of Monymusk prepare for battle
Battle commences
Laying the wreath
The wreath is laid
The Society wreath
Gordon leads "Scots Wha Hae"
Neil presents the DRR Memorial quaich to Archie
Archie Miller with Gordon, Neil and Nick
Archie and Jean with the quaich
Weapons demonstration and explanation
At the monument

Thanks as always to Michael Balahura for the photos

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The Society of William Wallace is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation Registration number SC045959